May 5
By Elizabeth Johnson
The American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) has published a new edition of its food safety textbook, Food Safety and Quality Management, Third Edition, by Ronald F. Cichy and JaeMin Cha from The School of Hospitality Business, Michigan State University.
“Food safety is a vitally important topic, even a life-and-death matter. Everyone in every food service operation bears some responsibility for food safety, as well as those working in the food supply chain. All concerned must be diligent. People are the first line of defense when it comes to ensuring food safety as well as food quality,” the authors state in the textbook’s preface. “The basic objective of Food Safety and Quality Management, Third Edition, is to present a managerial system that enhances food safety, preserves food quality, and controls food costs. All three of these goals are interrelated and intertwined as the owners, managers, and staff members of food service operations strive to create positively memorable experiences for their guests.”
Previously titled Food Safety: Managing with the HACCP System, Second Edition, the new book has been significantly revised and expanded to include the most current advanced topics in food safety, with a focus on:
New features in the third edition of Food Safety and Quality Management include:
Food Safety and Quality Management, Third Edition is also available in eText format through VitalSource, a leading global eReader platform.